Rin and the Tower

Rin set off into the sky, his heart racing, his wings spreading as far as they could go. A fierce wind was blowing a gale off the sea, bending the low trees over at an angle and acting like a wedge causing a great up draft. Rin like all the young crows sought the rising air with excitement and exhilaration. He loved days like this, hovering, swooping, and soaring for hours on end.

Flying up beside him for a moment or two, Rosen, his father, nodded over towards the great tower.

‘Follow me Rin, we need to talk.’

Sounding ominous to him, Rin wondered what could be so important a private talk was required. As they alighted onto the sill of the only first floor window, Rosen began to speak in a low whisper just loud enough for Rin to hear.

‘Your great grandfather needs your help son. You must fly to the top of the tower at nightfall, no one must see you and you must not tell anyone. It must be a secret meeting.’

You can read the rest of this story in my book: The Old Jack Tales
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